Project: Lung Lobes Segmentation in CT Scans


Python and C++ implementation on vessel and fissure segmentation in Lung CT Scans based on Bianca’s work


For lung and pulmonary vessel segmentation.

I create a ipython notebook for this part (in lung_segmentation.ipynb except the last two parts).

For pulmonary fissure segmentation.

Compile the two C++ files for fissure segmentation.

  1. cmake .
  2. make
  3. Use vector-based region growing for fissure segmention.
    ./vector_region_growing INPUT_FILE_NAME OUTPUT_FILE_NAME

    Use intensity-based region growing for removing small regions.

  4. Running the last two sections in the ipython notebook to generate fissure mask and final lung-vessel-fissure mask.


The result of lung segmentation:

The result of vessel segmentaton:

And in 3D view:

The result of fissure segmentation:
(From left to right: original, after vector-based region growing, after intensity-based region growing)

The 3D maps of Lung-Vessel-Fissure for 9 cases:


The dataset I used is LOLA11, which contains 55 CT Scans.

Looking for code? Here is the link to the repository in my Github.

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